How to Remove Attribution "Powered by Blogger" Gadget on Blogger

Powered by Blogger widget is the attribution gadget presented at the footer of every blogger blog, the gadget is officially put there by blogger making it not easy to remove. When you click on it, you will notice there is no Remove option there. So if you want to remove this gadget from your blog, then this post is just what you need. Follow below steps carefully.

How to Remove Attribution "Powered by Blogger" Gadget

How To Remove Blogger Attribution Gadget
•    Login to your Blogger Dashboard.
•    Go to Template => Edit HTML.
•    Now search for below code.

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>

•    Replace locked=’true’ with locked=’false’
•    Save your template.
•    And then Go to Layout page.
•    Click on Attribution widget.

The Remove button will now appear; Hit Remove button and you are done.

You just successfully remove the Powered by Blogger Widget.
Hope this helps.
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About Unknown

My name is Samuel, also known as Samuel Toby. I am a young blogger in Nigeria with love and passion for writing, I am also a graphic designer. I am a young Nigerian youth with love for browsing and getting latest information around the globe.