Most Popular .NG Domain Registrars

In one of my previous post, I publish a post about the most popular domain registrars to get a .com, .org, .co and more. If you miss the post, read it with this link:- HERE.

Today, am here to share with you the most domain registrars that offers domains for Nigeria sites. If you are a Nigerian Blogger/Webmaster, you can get yourself a or The domain registrars I shared in my previous post won't offer you any .NG domains, if you need any Nigeria domain, this registrars are for you.

.NG Domain Name Registrars List Below

1:- Registeram: registeram.
2:- WebSoft: websoft.
3:- UpperLink: upperlink.
4:- Who Go Host: whogohost.
5:-Web4Africa: web4africa.

With the above registrars, you can a domains like,,,, etc.

Most of this domain registrars are Nigerians and most of them based in Nigeria. The payment methods of most of them are favorable, they offer a method more suitable for someone staying in Nigeria, like Local Bank deposit or e-payment like InterSwitch Verve Card and others.

That's all..

Did you know of any other registrar that offer a .ng domain?
Share with me below with more details about them via comment.

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About Unknown

My name is Samuel, also known as Samuel Toby. I am a young blogger in Nigeria with love and passion for writing, I am also a graphic designer. I am a young Nigerian youth with love for browsing and getting latest information around the globe.
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