How To Leave A Group On Facebook Using Mobile Phone

While surfing through facebook earlier today on my phone, I come across some notification on my phone from some groups and which is also posted on my email.
If you have been very speculative on facebook you will realize that facebook are always updating more of their mobile features than that for the desktop or web version.

Facebook now allows members to option out or leave groups on facebook and this is one new feature am quite favoured with.
Yes am quite favoured with this new feature because almost everyday (not everyday) on
facebook, am been added to one group or the other on facebook, groups that i have got no interest on by my friends, funny enough i don't know much of my facebook friends, how can I know all hundreds of my friends on facebook?

Now when added to those groups, i will need to go on pc which is the desktop version then remove or leave the group on facebook that am been added to, of course i wouldn't want to start posting on the group's wall pleading for the group admin to remove me from the group as I think this is not idea and could probably sound unpleasant to the group owner.

(with the new group feature i can do it myself)

Do you know that when added to a group on

You start getting mails to your email address informing you of activities on the group?
You also get to receive notification on your facebook notification page informing you of activities like postings on the group wall?
Whether you post on the group's wall or not you keep getting mails and notification concerning the group?

And the only option to escape from all this is to leave the group.

But How Are We Going To Do This With Mobile Phone?

Its very simple, to leave a group on facebook using mobile phone just follow this instructions below.

>Visit the "Group" you are beed added.

>Click "Group menu" which is under the group name
(Note:- it will drop the page down to the group menu. You can do it yourself by scrolling down to the bottom of the group page).

>After that, click on "Info".

>Now scroll down to find "Leave Group", click on it and confirm.
(Note:- Make sure the option at the top of Confirm botton is Ticked so that you won't be re-add to the Group)

Thats it.

Hope this helps?
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About Unknown

My name is Samuel, also known as Samuel Toby. I am a young blogger in Nigeria with love and passion for writing, I am also a graphic designer. I am a young Nigerian youth with love for browsing and getting latest information around the globe.
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