How to Upload Picture on Twitter With Any Browser (Java Phone Users)

Some days ago, I post about why you are being unfollowed by your twitter followers. And I made mention of not uploading profile picture also cause it. If you miss the post, read it here HERE .
For java users, I promise to post about how to upload profile picture on twitter using any browser. Not to waste your precious time, I'll just go straight to the point.
If you are ready to upload picture to your twitter account, follow below steps:-

Step 1:- Open your browser and type in or click this link-

Step 2:- Scroll down to the middle where you will see "Sign in with Twitter" and "Sign up here" links at the bottom of it. Click on "Sign in with twitter" link.

Step 3:- You will be direct to an twitter "Authorize Application", scroll down to where you will have to input your "Twitter username & password" and click on "Authorize" key below it.

Step 4:- If you input your correct info, you will be taken to homepage (member area), now scroll down to the bottom, look at where you will see much links and click on "Edit Profile".

Step 5:- Once open, you will see some forms to fill, at the top of it is "Avater", in its front, you will see where you are ask to "choose", click on it and you will be taking to your 'files' to choose either "memory card" or "phone memory" to locate the picture you want to upload and click "ok" on it.

Step 6:- Once you click on, you'll be direct back to the form page, you can also fill the rest if you like, the other forms are Name, Location, Link and Bio. Once you are done, click on "Update Profile" below the form and you are Done.

That's all, you can check your twitter account to know if the picture is now visible. You can also use this method for quick check, go to"your twitter handle", you will be taking to your profile directly.

Did you have any other method to upload picture on twitter except for using twitter apps on smartphones? Kindly share with us with comment box.


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About Unknown

My name is Samuel, also known as Samuel Toby. I am a young blogger in Nigeria with love and passion for writing, I am also a graphic designer. I am a young Nigerian youth with love for browsing and getting latest information around the globe.
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