How to Index Your Blog Post to Google Search Engine Within a Minute or Less

Here is a tips for my Co-Bloggers, we all know that Google will take up to 2-3 days before indexing your new blog post (some may not know). And if someone use Google to search for a question and which your new post will definitely help and since your post is not index, Google won't suggest the post to the person.
So today, I will be sharing with you "how to get your New Post index on Google with some minutes". I have been using this method to index my posts and I will sure use it on this post too.The simple method to make this possible is by using the "Google webmaster tool's".Using Google webmaster tools, you will make Google Search Engine to identify your new created post to be visible to search. According to my research, Google only give 500 space for a month in this method for all Blog users. I haven't reach this limit, so am not sure if the info is wrong or correct.

Steps to Index your New Post on Google Search Engine:-==> First after posting your article or content, copy the link to Google and search it, you will notice that Google will tell you that link not available or exist.==> Register at Google webmasters tool and add/verify your website, for already registered users, click here:- HERE==> Clicking on your added website, at the left side, locate "Crawl" or click on "Fetch as Google" and enter your website or post's URL address in the input box in the middle and click on Fetch, wait for a few seconds until the Google bot fetches your link.==> under the input box, you will see the new input link and in front of it, click on "Submit to index" to add the link to G.S.E.==> Wait till you get a successful message. Now goto Google post the link you just index and search it.==> Done. Your post will be visible in search engine.Always try this Steps to index your post, it will really help you to get quick visibility to your posts.Remember to share this post with your friends cause this will also help them.Did you have another method you use to index your post quickly to Google Search Engine? Kindly share with us here via comment.Cheers..

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About Unknown

My name is Samuel, also known as Samuel Toby. I am a young blogger in Nigeria with love and passion for writing, I am also a graphic designer. I am a young Nigerian youth with love for browsing and getting latest information around the globe.
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