What to do Before You Buy a Phone Most Especially SmartPhones

A lot of people go into buying phone without getting proper information about the phone, later the phone develop faulty.

I normally see lot of people complaining about their phone having lot of problem, maybe memory issue, problem with inbuilt device, battery issue and lot more. I mainly ignore those questions because to my understanding, I see it as the act of "ignorant" and unsocialize" (sorry to use these words). The fact is that before you go into buying your dream phone or the phone you want, the first and most important thing to do is get "Users Opinion". What I mean about this is "the opinion of people that have use the phone before", in doing this, you will be able to know if the phone is good, bad or manageable.
Lot of people will have use the phone you want to buy and all of them will have face the problems encountering the phone that you might also face if you later buy the phone and if the phone is problem free, all of them will surely post their experiences that the phone is good and also recommend it for others. For example, if you read a review/user opinion of a phone, and almost all the people that comment state different type of problems that they are facing with the phone. Like one with "memory problem, another with phone hanging, another with camera problem and lot more, the best thing to do is stay away from that phone cause you may also face the same problem if you buy the phone.

But if the user opinion of a phone are all positive, then the phone is recommended and good to use, you may see one or two negative comment but trust me, most people don't know how to use phone, that may be the reason.

Now where to get phone user opinion? ** You can get user opinion with the help of a very good friend of mine "GOOGLE". Lol, we all know about Google and we all know that Google is no body's enemy.

So you can just go to google and search for "the phone name + users opinion", e.g Samsung Galaxy S3 users opinion". Google will bring you lot of pages to get your answer.

** Another way I use to get users opinion of a phone is through HERE.

For those that don't know about Gsmarena, its one of the best website to get latest/upcoming news on tech news on Phone, PC and more, they also give specifications of phones, they have categories of each phone brand like Nokia, Samsung, Sony, HTC, Blackberry and lot more. This is located at the left side of the page. When you click on any of the Phone Brand like Nokia, it will list all the phones that Nokia as released and coming soon phone arranged according to when the phones was announces.

How to get the users opinion from Gsmarena:- When you click on the phone band from homepage and the phones were listed, click on the phones you want. The next page will give you the Specifications of the phone, just scroll down to where you will see users opinion, they will only list like 4 or 5 opinion but at the end of it, you will see "Read all opinions", click on it and you will see all the Users Opinions at where the phone specifications were previously listed. Read it to like 3 pages for better answer to your question. Hope this helps.. In my next post, I will give you tips to know which type of phone you should buy. Did you know any where to get users opinion except for GSMARENA, post it here via comment. Let me know if you also have any question. Cheers..

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About Unknown

My name is Samuel, also known as Samuel Toby. I am a young blogger in Nigeria with love and passion for writing, I am also a graphic designer. I am a young Nigerian youth with love for browsing and getting latest information around the globe.