Google Launches "Undo Sent Email" Feature to Gmail

Know about it yet? I bet not. Google just decide to add a new great feature to their Gmail platform. The Gmail web version just added a new feature to “Undo a sent email”. Sure it’s not only you that might have sent an email with typographic errors, or even forgot to include the email subject along with the email; you will wish to undo the email but won’t be possible. Google has finally comes to your rescue or I should say our rescue, because now, you don’t need to wish anymore because it’s there already, and all you have to do is activate it. 

This feature was rolled out today and it allows you to undo any sent email within 30 seconds of it being sent. Though this feature is only available for the Web version, the mobile apps will get the feature soon.

How to you activate the undo option on Gmail Web.

1. Click the gear icon at the top right.

2. Select settings

3. Under General Settings, Check the “Enable Undo Send” option.

4. Set the maximum window time allowed to recall email. Option is available up to 30s.

5. Click Save Changes and you are Done.

How to undo an email after sent

Easy, after you have enabled the undo option, once you send out the email, just click on the “Undo Send” text at the top part of the web page once the email is sent. 

The “Undo Send” option will disappear even if you click on a link within Gmail before the recall time expires, so use this feature with caution. 

You may not be able to use the “Undo Send” option if you are experiencing connection issues.

What’s your take on this? Let’s hear from you via comment below.
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My name is Samuel, also known as Samuel Toby. I am a young blogger in Nigeria with love and passion for writing, I am also a graphic designer. I am a young Nigerian youth with love for browsing and getting latest information around the globe.