PayPal Now Allows Users to Withdraw Fund From Limited Account

June last year, I got two of my PayPal accounts limited due to suspicious behavior. What happen was that I made two different transactions between two different accounts with the same IP Address. I was in hurry to remember that I heard to wait for some minutes or clear my browser cookies before logging into the second account. 24hours later, I receive an email from PayPal that my account has been limited due to suspicious activities on my account and I need to login and provide some information before they lift the limitation. It’s easy to do, but the account is a USA account, so I get stuck at providing ID Card. There are some guys providing this service of ID but the account is just with $12 and I don’t use PayPal that much, so I ignore the account and moved on to other stuffs.
Last month, I receive an email from PayPal which I just see last week; the email subject is “Your PayPal Funds are Eligible for Withdrawal” I decided to open and read it.

Email From PayPal

I was surprise, so I decided to try it with one of my limited account that is linked with my Payoneer. I log in to my PayPal account and hover at withdraw tap and click on “Transfer to Bank”, I fill the whole amount in my account to be withdraw and proceed to confirm the transaction. I was surprise to see “we are processing your transaction” page because I once try withdrawing when the account was limited and I get an Error reply. I check the Activities page and it reads “Pending”.

 See Below Images
PayPal Activities

Confirmation Email.

I still don’t want to believe, until Payoneer mail me for a new transaction of Fund from PayPal and after I log in, the $12 is already there in my account.

Image from Payoneer

So its Official, PayPal now allows users to withdraw fund from limited account. No Trick.
NOTE: - you (still) can’t “send or request money”, “receive payments” or “add funds to your account” on a limited account.

Have you withdraw from your limited account before? Share your experiences with us via comment below.

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About Unknown

My name is Samuel, also known as Samuel Toby. I am a young blogger in Nigeria with love and passion for writing, I am also a graphic designer. I am a young Nigerian youth with love for browsing and getting latest information around the globe.
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