How To Sign Up For Beta Testing Of BBM On Windows Phone

Seems like BlackBerry just want to satisfy all smartphone users with their IM App (BBM).
According to BlackBerry, BBM for Windows Phone is right in the corner.
Presently, there is a Beta version and its available to users who register to be a Beta tester.
According to the words from Blackberry Blog, they make some information about the BBM for windows phone. Read the message below:-

In this first release of BBM for
Windows Phone, we're focused
on introducing Windows Phone
users to the power of sharing
experiences in the moment
through the immediacy and
privacy offered by BBM. Users
can engage in BBM Chats with
one or many contacts, with the
ability to share pictures, voice
notes, contacts and location.
…..We'll be working to quickly
add more features to BBM for
Windows Phone such as stickers,
BBM Voice, BBM Channels and
location sharing powered by
Glympse in the months ahead

Looks like BBM for Windows Phone will lack some BBM features like stickers, BBM channels, BBM voice, etc. according to above message. But for now, BBM for Windows Phone is not available for download yet but there is an open registration to be a part of those who will test it first (Beta Tester). Before you start registeration for private beta testers, The head of product and brand marketing for BBM, Jeff Gadway wants you to keep this in mind:
"Now remember, this is a beta
and our expectation is that
participants will help us make
BBM for Windows Phone great
by actively participating. If
you're not ready to report bugs,
respond to surveys and provide
feedback – better to wait just a
bit longer for the full release".
If you are ready to be among the Beta Tester, this is how to register below

How To Register For BBM For Windows
Phone Beta:

1. Apply for Blackberry Beta Zone HERE. You can sign in with your BlackBerry ID or create a new one if you don't have one.

2. You will be prompted to link a Beta Zone account to your current BlackBerry ID after signing in or sign up, follow the instructions and fill the necessary info correctly. Submit and you will be enrolled. Once your registration is successful, you will see a page Welcoming you to the Beta Program.


NOTE:- if you had already have a beta account before or you got confuse during your registration along the line? Here is what to do:- Sign in to your blackberry beta zone account and click on 'Programs' link at the top, Click on the Enter button in front of 'BBM for Windows Phone Beta' and complete the registration.

NOTE 2:- There is a rumours that BBM for Windows Phone will only be available for WP8 and WP8.1 only.

That's all.

Now that we have to wait for the info about BBM for Windows Phone will become available to the registered beta users, Are you a Windows Phone user and are you happy BBM for WP?

I hope you are on your way to get a Windows Phone today.

Let me hear your view about it via comment.

Happy Pinging!
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About Unknown

My name is Samuel, also known as Samuel Toby. I am a young blogger in Nigeria with love and passion for writing, I am also a graphic designer. I am a young Nigerian youth with love for browsing and getting latest information around the globe.


  1. I did all of the above when I click on the BBM app on windows it says I don't have permission to download the app. I signed on my PC for the BBM beta since I previously have a BBM account from my iPhone but under the program link u said i do not see anything for beta testing for windows?

    1. The error might probably be from the BBM site, but you can download the BBM Beta through the Store or with this direct link
