The Good And Bad of Nokia First Android Phone From Nairaland And my Opinion

I just come across this post about Nokia first Android phone (Nokia X). The thread is about the Good and the Bad of the phone. I want to share and add my view about the post here.
The phone is presently at the store now but not in Nigeria yet.

Like I said, here is the Good and the Bad of the phone.

Why You Should Buy Nokia X?

1. Battery:-
One thing we all know and like about all Nokia phones is for their
strong battery life.
Expectation is rife that Nokia continues the trend with their "X
series" which we are all seeking for, most especially Android users.

2. Cheaper:-
The phone is said to be around $120, the Nokia X series phones would
line up as some of the cheapest Android phones. It is expected not to
cost over N27,000 in Nigeria.

3. Attractive:-
We all still know this about Nokia, Nokia always love designing their
phones in an attractive ways and this doesn't stop on The Nokia X. The
X series was design like that of their Asha series, the Nokia X series
phones come in a variety of cool colors.

4. Popular Brand:-
This is actually the coolest aspect, most people use to hide their
phones due to the Brand name, most especially "The Tecno users".
Everyone knows about Nokia and no one can challenge you if you are
using a Nokia phone even without knowing the phone Specs and Model.

Why You Should Not Buy A Nokia X?

1. Specs:
Am sure we are all expecting Nokia phone to have a high specs, but
Nokia surprise everyone with their first ever Android phone.
Nokia X comes with 4GB internal memory and 512RAM, 3megapix back
camera, no front camera. These are the most specs affecting the phone.
I think other specs about the phone is perfect.

To my own view, I think the specs is the only thing affecting the Nokia X.

If you read the thread about the Good and Bad of Nokia X on Nairaland,
you will notice that I remove some point out of the Bad side list.
Its not that the Guy is wrong but he's not right either.

Let me explain.

Below is what the guy said and my opinion along below it.

1- A different UI:
If you are used to the stock/generic Android interface, the UI on
Nokia's X series phones might surprise you.
The user interface is designed to mimic
Microsoft Windows Phone 8′s metro UI,
something most Android users are not
familiar with. Now while other manufacturers have custom user
interfaces (HTC has HTC Sense and Samsung has their Nature UI),
Nokia's X series UI is quite a departure from the traditional Android

My Opinion:- This is actually a wrong idea about the UI. The phone UI
cannot be that hard to relate, the Guy said "The user interface is
designed to mimic
Microsoft Windows Phone 8′s metro UI", if this is right, then the UI
cannot be that hard to blend into. I have use many phones before I
bought my "Nokia 520" even though I haven't use or familiar with a
Window Phone before, but I was able to relate and operate the phone.
But I don't think the phone could be that hard for Android users.

2- No Play Store or stock Google apps:
One of the awesome things about Android phones is the Google Play
Store that gives you access to and makes so much easier for you to
download and install your favorite apps on your Android device.

Well, not on the X series. Nokia's X series will ship without Google's
stock android apps (Play Store, Play Services, Play Music, Google
Maps, Hangouts, Google Plus

Now while Nokia will replace most of them (a Nokia store will stand in
for play store, Skype, Microsoft Outlook, etc), you can't help but
feel you will be getting a little less functionality and doing a
little more work to get certain things running.

For instance, adding a Google account with an Android devices signs
you on to your Google account with all Google apps (hangouts, play
store, YouTube, gmail etc) and keeps your contacts backed up on Google
contacts. It remains to be seen what alternative Nokia is going to use
in their place.

My Opinion:- The Guy is right at first, Play Store is one the most
awesome part of Android phone. And yes the phone will not have the
Play Store but for any reason Nokia decided to have their own Store
for their Android phone, then their are fully prepare to satisfy their
users with 99% of all Android apps and my research on the phone, the
phone was "rooted" and was able to use Google Play Store.
And also, the Guy talk about Google accounts (apps) to sign in to your
account. Actually my Nokia 520 was able to sign me in to my Google
account (Youtube, Gmail etc) and I don't think Nokia will left that behind
on their Android phone.
About Google Maps, Nokia as also get that covered, Nokia have the
"HERE Drive and HERE Maps". This two apps is on my Nokia 520, the HERE
Drive will help you when traveling, if you don't know where you are
going, the App will direct you and give you next way to Turn until you get to the destination you give the Map.
While the HERE Maps will give you your present location and your
surroundings, the "fillings station, police station, stores etc" will
be indicated on the map.
So Nokia also get that Covered for the Android phone.

That's all..

If you are able to read all this, then you will know what to expect on Nokia X.

Your opinion is also welcome.

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About Unknown

My name is Samuel, also known as Samuel Toby. I am a young blogger in Nigeria with love and passion for writing, I am also a graphic designer. I am a young Nigerian youth with love for browsing and getting latest information around the globe.
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