New Update: See What Facebook is Bringing to You Next

Recently Facebook announced a new update to come that most people (especially bloggers) will be awaiting for. The new update is in form of News Feed which will give you total account of the time a user spends viewing your story (post).

There must have been a time when you think maybe your post is irrelevant because no one Like, Comments or Share it. The truth is they do read your text but don't want to Like, Comment or even Share to their News Feed, but Facebook is about to expose them.

The company said during the announcement that

"Just because someone didn't Like, Comment or Share a story in their News Feed doesn't mean it wasn't meaningful to them, There are times when, for example, people want to see information about a serious current event, but don't necessarily want to Like or Comment on it."

The company also address the issue of slow network that extra time spent on a story because of slow network won't be taken into account.

With this update, you will know how important your story is to people, just like what the company says "If people spend significantly more time on a particular story in News Feed than the majority of other stories they look at, this is a good sign that content was relevant to them."

Presently the update has started rolling out and will continue over the coming weeks.
Hopefully you will get yours sooner.

What did you think? How is this a good news for you?

Let's hear from you via comment below.

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About Unknown

My name is Samuel, also known as Samuel Toby. I am a young blogger in Nigeria with love and passion for writing, I am also a graphic designer. I am a young Nigerian youth with love for browsing and getting latest information around the globe.